Parshah Miketz
Seed Time Harvest, the law of G-d from the foundation of the earth, we sow we reap. It’s G-d’s justice system for us and the world He created.
Torah portion: Gen 42:21-24, 44: 14,16
The parsha starts with Pharaoh’s dreams and G-d’s interpretation that he gives to Joseph. Seven years good harvest, seven years bad harvest; double completion for past sown seeds. This time which would be quickly approaching, would not only bring salvation to Egypt and the whole world from famine, with the plan that Joseph would implement; but will help to bring a conclusion of a past wrong which brought much suffering to the family of G-d which He had chosen for himself. Now was the time for the harvest from past sown seeds.
This Torah portion interested me, because when trouble came to the brothers, with Joseph calling them out as spies and placing them in prison, they immediately drew the conclusion that the trouble they were now experiencing was a direct result of what they did to Joseph so many years earlier.
We know the account of what happened to Joseph after he was sold into slavery, but what happened back at home? Can we imagine the years of guilt and pressure they would have each experienced? The regret and “what if’s” they may have asked themselves. What about the years of sorrow and pain they caused their father? In fact he continued talking of his loss 20 years later.
It is also interesting that the brothers shared a little of Joseph’s experiences: prison and separation from their father, would they also share in his redemption?
We can see that there is growth in the brothers as they want to protect Benjamin. Judah’s reply of laying his life down for Benjamin—for his father’s sake, showed much growth.
G-d in His goodness uses time. Hearts can change and soften with the passing of time.
Hearts that are willing to accept correction, take responsibility for actions and poor choices, hearts willing to repent and ask for forgiveness can change the ultimate outcome of a bad seed sown. That gives hope to us all.
Even though the brothers sowed seeds of jealousy, hatred, and deception…
- Would that be their only harvest?
- Would time help to change anything?
- Could there be redemption for them, as we have seen the redemption of Joseph come to pass?
Next week’s Torah portion answers those questions. For today, we can continue to find redemption in this week’s haftarah portion.
Haftarah: Zechariah 3:1-8.
In chapter 3, Zechariah has a vision of Joshua, Cohen gadol which we are told in vs 8 is a sign of the coming Branch, or Messiah.
In this prophecy, we can see Yeshua as high priest doing the work of salvation with the adversary being rebuked, not once but twice. We have already seen satan being rebuked with Messiah Yeshua’s death and resurrection, and the second would be a promise for us when Yeshua comes again establishing His Kingdom.
Messiah took on soiled garments, took on our sin, our poor choices, or seeds sown, and he carried and dealt with them on the tree for our behalf. The angel of the Lord called for its removal, replacing the soiled garments with fine or festival garments. This presents us with hope of not only salvation but also redemption.
Yeshua Our Messiah, bringing us hope, salvation and redemption replacing our filthy rags with garments of salvation.
This redemption comes not because we deserve it by our actions or deeds but despite it. It is only G-ds goodness that brings this about. Our job is to have a fertile, softened heart that can receive the Word of G-d, and allow it to take root so that it may yield a plentiful harvest.
Brith Hadoshah: 1Peter 1:18-25
Throughout the Old Covenant we see examples of how the L-rd brings about deliverance, salvation and redemption. He has worked through His beloved family, Israel, as an example and provided ways for these works to come about. However from the beginning G-d had a plan through Messiah Yeshua, and through the shedding of His blood— for once and for all redemption for Israel and for the nations of the earth.
During this time of celebration, let us be thankful and rededicate our lives to the G-d of our salvation, and strive to walk in His ways, love one another, follow His truth, stay in obedience, having hope and trust in Him with all of our hearts.