Go Vertical!
Go vertical!
As we walk deeper in the ways of the L-rd we are actually moving vertical in our relationship with Him.
Going deeper is climbing vertical.
Moving horizontal doesn’t deepen our relationship with Him. Instead, it bogs us down with the cares of this world. Horizontal thought spins our wheels getting us no where in our relationship with Almighty G-d. Rather, it takes all our energy and in return causes a big waste of time.
We have to move our thoughts higher above the mundane, align our actions with His plans and purposes which are high and lifted. We have to step out of complacency and move from stagnant to running water which is full of life. This will allow us to move vertical .
I hear the L-rd saying “Go vertical”. Keeping eyes set on the things above, not on the things that are right in front of us. This is confirmed in Colossians 3:1-2
“Therefore, if you have been raised up with Messiah, keep seeking the things above—where Messiah is, sitting at the right hand of God. Focus your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”
Colossians 3:1-2 TLV
Going deeper is climbing higher. How high we go depends on our daily actions. What is our focus? Where is our gaze?
Lift up your head, see your salvation, look for your healing, see your deliverance, it’s an arms reach away. Lift your arms to Messiah Yeshua and see your freedom drawing nigh.
Look up, look up!
- Looking up breaks us out of the struggles of this world
- Looking up restores our liberty and freedom
- Looking up breaks the bonds that hold us back
- Looking up unites us with our Creator
Before you climb a mountain, stairs or even a ladder, you look up to see before you ascend.
There is only one G-d to look up too, one salvation through Messiah Yeshua, one Spirit calling to us to lift our head. Look up to Him and start climbing.
Arise and let’s Go vertical!